If you're in the process of buying a residential property, it's essential to have it inspected to ensure that it's in good condition and free of any issues that could cost you money in the long run. Here are ten essential things to look for during a residential property inspection:

1. Foundation: Ensure that the foundation is in good condition, as any cracks or damage could lead to structural issues.

2. Roof: Check the roof for any leaks, damage, or signs of wear and tear.

3. HVAC System: Make sure the heating and cooling systems are functioning correctly and have been well-maintained.

4. Plumbing: Check for any leaks, corrosion, or damage to pipes, as well as the water pressure.

5. Electrical System: Ensure that the electrical system is up to code, and there are no electrical hazards.

6. Insulation: Check the insulation in the walls and attic, as well as the windows and doors.

7. Appliances: If the property comes with appliances, ensure that they are in good working order at the time of inspection. 

8. Chimney: Check the chimney for any damage, as well as the fireplaces if there are any.

9. Water Damage: Look for any signs of water damage, such as mold or mildew, as this can be a sign of bigger issues.

10. Overall Condition: Finally, check the overall condition of the property, including the walls, floors, ceilings, and exterior. Look for any signs of damage, wear and tear, or issues that could affect the property's value.


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